Hello! My name is Ella. I´m an exchange student from Finland. I´m working here in TuS 1859 as a trainee for the next three weeks. I came to Germany on 31 of January with three other students from Finland. In total we are here for two months. Past weeks I have been working in other sports club in Hamm. We get credit points from these interships and also see the world at the same time so I think this is a good thing from all perspectives.
So far this has been an awesome experience. We have visited some places like Dortmund and Düsseldorf. This week we will be celebrating my 18th birthday in Cologne with one of the Finnish students. I´m really looking forward for the next and final weeks. It´s interesting to see how things differ when I have already seen the other sports club. Working in sports club is good for me because I really like sports and trying out new things. Maybe I get to see some other sports I haven´t seen here yet.